It seems the first step is really the hardest. This is especially true when the last journey did not go as planned. Last year I worked hard at getting ready for the WTEC and the training went well both physically and spiritually. Consequently, when I arrived at Guthrie, I had high expectations. However, things did not go so well (received a 60 in the steer wrestling, took a sixty for fixing my steers head in the tripping…). So, how do you get started on a journey when the last trip did not go great?
As I ponder this question I was reminded of Gideon. Often Gideon is hammered on for taking so long to do what God asked. (Make the fleece wet and the floor dry…) Perhaps, he was just like me and when he had come to the point of harvest something had went wrong (i.e. no time in the SW, Philistines stealing your crops…). Perhaps, Gideon just needed to be extra sure that God was in it before he stepped out and risked that much. I suppose some might say that I should just be listening more carefully so when I hear from God I am more quick to act, however, I am comforted by the fact that God never really criticizes Gideon for his seeming lack of faith when he needs so much confirmation. After all Gideon is attempting to do something that is pretty hard, He may just want to be extra sure that God is with him when he does it.
· Roping horns better
· Handling steers better
Needs Improvement
- Still not down to fighting weight
- A little behind on my Bible reading
- More dummy roping